Friday, January 26, 2018

My Room and Stuff

I've been with my host family since last Sunday. It's now Friday night, and I'm pretty much settled in. I believe I have an idea of how the next 10 weeks will play out. I think I've got this.

Since I can't invite you over, step into my room virtually through the magic of the Internet...

My host family took the sitting room of the house, stuck a bed in the corner, and gave it to me. It is spacious, with a small couch, a big couch, two sitting chairs, a bureau thing, and some other stuff. You'll see:

You can see the water filter and TEXTOR license plate above--both clearly essential items. Let's take a closer look at some other stuff that has functional and/or sentimental value to me:

I get my water out of the tap with this and take it to the filter.

From the 5k that my cousin Terri and I won a few years back. It gives me confidence.

JFK essentially founded the Peace Corps. Stephen Colbert said he used to carry a copy of this book around with him. I thought it might be a good way to channel some JFK charm every now and then.

Iron Man cufflinks from the EngoPham wedding. For my cufflinking needs. Also as a reminder to be fight evil, when appropriate.

Other books. A very nice person gave me the Hemingway. I intend to read it and pass it on, as she did with me. Not sure if I'll find the time to get ripped, per the fitness book. But maybe. And yes, I see mysef in the mirror.

My chair functions as a coat rack. I hope to wear my Albania jacket until it falls apart. Which may be soon. This country is rough.

Iowa calendar from my Aunt Shirley. Critical. Could anyone reading now who knows her make sure she gets a link to this blog?

So I feel taken care of :) Thanks for the support everyone!

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