Tuesday, February 6, 2018

My Peers

Colin is an exceptionally nice guy. Not just exceptionally nice--he's CANADA nice. Colin was born a Canadian, but he obtained American citizenship just so he could join the Peace Corps. I went to Canada in 2016, and I don't know how anyone could leave that amazing country. In Montreal, there were French speakers, poutine, a free jazz festival, a circus act that wandered the neighborhoods, and a hug committee that greeted me with an embrace when I got to my hotel (100% true stories). I would never leave the land of moose and maple syrup, had I been born there. But I'm not as nice as Colin. Before PC I think he was an elementary school teacher. I bet he was the teacher that all the kids wanted.

It was good to see Colin and the other non-Kuqan Group A21 folks in Elbasan yesterday. It really is a fine group and I'm proud to be a part of them.

I didn't know how I'd fit in with my PC peers. Although volunteers' ages in our big group range from about 23 to about 60, most people are 1-2 years out of college. This means that most people are about age 24-28. This is not the age range that I'm used to socializing with in the last 5 years or so. And going into this, I didn't know what kids are like these days.

But these particular "kids" are great. I sense that any hang-ups I have about my age and relating to people are in my head and not a concern to anyone else.

At some point, the country director Kate said to us that we're now with people who share our desire to do Peace Corps. Up until now, we've had to explain (or justify) to others why we're doing this. That is not true for us, the folks in A21. So whatever differences we have in life experiences or gender or age or social status or whatever else, there is a common bond here.

It's especially true with my immediate group (Kuqan). I'm not sure if I've posted this pic yet, but here are my people now. I like all of them very much.

But enough warm fuzzy stuff. Things are getting more challenging, so I may be blogging less frequently, starting now. Wish me luck.

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