Saturday, February 10, 2018

From Goat-Blank Range

We had a half-day of language classes today, since it was Saturday. We had it in a different room than we usually do. The room looked like this:

Language class is going well. I usually have more shqip to say than I think I do before I start talking. Bessie (our teacher, shown above) is great.

As a group, we run the gamut of emotions. At first, Anna wasn't so keen on having her photo taken. We were able to cheer her up, though. Or make her go crazy. Or both, I'm not really sure.

On our break today, Thor explained to Bessie how to do fortune-telling by reading coffee grounds. 

Of course he did. Because he's Thor and he's awesome like that.

Then afterward, we went to Michelle's house and her host family showed us some mighty fine hospitality. They even took us into their goat lair to see the 2-day-old goatlings. I've always been good with kids.

I really wanted a good photo of myself with a goat. I never got it. The goat was less than cooperative. I don't know why I was surprised.

This did all lead to my favorite photo of the day, however. Anna got some fine shots of goat nostril, I bet. Punë e mirë (good job), Anna.

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